I have added a donate button to the navigation, it allows you to setup recurring donations.
I should note that the move to Microcosm wiped out the biggest cost: hosting fees.
But we do still have costs:
- Domain names (including some legacy ones)
- SSL certs (for legacy redirects)
- CloudFlare CDN (Pro account to enable SSL on LFGSS)
- Some accountancy fees and other small costs
Most people cancelled their subscriptions, or perhaps PayPal does that automatically? Either way, the donation drive earlier this year wiped out the deficit, restored us to a little ahead, and with the cancellation of most subscriptions that is being depleted back down to zero.
I'm not yet sure of the total costs needed now, as it's not been a month and most of the remaining costs are annual and harder to get a full picture of. It's a few hundred per month, not circa a grand per month as it used to be.
The raw costs of £700 per month for physical hosting is now gone, Microcosm shoulders that cost but the tech is better so it runs the site at a far lower cost.
The affiliates have now gone to Microcosm, so the hosting fees are 100% covered by Microcosm in return for the affiliates. Yes, using affiliates still helps.
Which means the remaining ad-hoc costs are met 100% by donations.
We don't need much, but we do still need a little.
Donate button is in the nav bar under LFGSS.
There are donor privileges. You need to PM me after you have made a donation. Any donation that is worth over £25 gets the privileges, which means a one-off donation of size, or a recurring donation of small size. Privileges won't expire, hence me raising the bar at which they're earned.
- Domain names (including some legacy ones)
Can I set up a recurring payment with just the email address?