David, I don't think I'm overthinking this (adding another think)--I was really just suggesting a way of fixing what was missing from vB (knowing that a post was in reply to another) and quotes vB-style (which I think was a strong feature of vB--and I'm by no means a vB fanatic; I just liked the UserCP, some aspects of navigation, and quote and multi-quote, but I could well see that it was pretty chaotic in places and many of the features didn't fit together).
I'm just saying that if you index quotes with the username (or user number, to cope with constant username changes :) ) and the post number being quoted, you can treat these as 'mentions' and link posts in this way, too.
This would be more flexible and restore context to old LFGSS posts (although there the limitation exists that only usernames, not numbers, have been saved as part of the post index, but that can probably be looked at and re-written). You can, of course, additionally keep the basic reply function just as it is right now. Anyway, just one suggestion, not meant to lead to a rush hack. :)
You are over-thinking it.
The big missing thing from vBulletin was that you never knew that someone had replied to your comment.
The quotes didn't do this, the vBulletin logic of who had replied to what didn't do it.
The reply functionality is just that... a way to trigger a notification that your post has got some response.
The quoting was a separate thing. With the increase font size I was hesitant to encourage past behaviour where people copy these enormous long posts verbatim. I had no good way to stop that stuff. And with the permalink pages showing the comment that this is in reply to, and any replies to this... it seemed a little superfluous. I knew Markdown already did quotes in the email style. So ultimately it came down to a question of whether it was essential and critical.
I didn't have a great answer to that... but figured I'd wait and see.
On the other forums running on Microcosm, this hasn't been mentioned because it's not been an issue.
But on this one, well... it's day one and you've all been used to vBulletin functionality for 5 years.
Even though I tend to agree there's still a need for something that helps provide better context for responses... I'm going to give it time before I do anything about it. Rush hacks may be my forte but I want this product to be really good and not the product of rush hacks.