Let us know how you do on the 10 k.
What is about to follow is a shameless round up and context of a week in the lake district running I just completed.
Being as list's have bitten the dust now on lfgss this should also keep you happy.
Entrants for all 5 days events aged between under 10 and over 80=1820
17 different lengthed courses daily across all age groups.
My 5 course climbs plus getting to start of 2 mountain days= 2, 405 metres.
My course distances 52 k about 31 miles total.
My courses were number 1.
Out of 17 only for male 21-45 year olds. 75 guys in this group.
Final result 26/37 in m40 cat.
Bottom quarter of field.
Only 12 guys above me completed all 5 days without error, this means that I found while running 112 locations in some of the wildest terrain in the U.K, in some of the toughest conditions going.
Crap final result, however finishing despite double sprain yesterday up pike o blisco gives me immense satisfaction and looking over the maps still incredulous I did it given the technical nature of every day.
As you were.
I realised the other day that despite running (and racing) for 6+ years I don't think I've ever done a 10k, or a road half. So tonight I'll be fixing the first half of that, and in two weeks the second half.