Interesting choice really. I've not driven a current model mini but I agree with the Golf is "meh" sentiment. Drive the zipcars all the time and the Up, Polo and Golf are always plasticky and uninspiring. Nice enough, but I'd never feel like owning one.
The Fiat 500 though - love those! I drove one around italy - was only a 1.4 or something and never felt unsafe on the autostrada and we were def doing more than 80mph. Great fun around the corners too.
SEAT Ibiza could have been good, but I'm sure the Mini will be great. Just wish they'd drop the "MINI" branding.
Interesting choice really. I've not driven a current model mini but I agree with the Golf is "meh" sentiment. Drive the zipcars all the time and the Up, Polo and Golf are always plasticky and uninspiring. Nice enough, but I'd never feel like owning one.
The Fiat 500 though - love those! I drove one around italy - was only a 1.4 or something and never felt unsafe on the autostrada and we were def doing more than 80mph. Great fun around the corners too.
SEAT Ibiza could have been good, but I'm sure the Mini will be great. Just wish they'd drop the "MINI" branding.