I was hiding behind a building at NWAF and saw a guy in a stetson creeping along a wall. He couldn't have seen me so he must have heard someone else because he called out 'friendly'. I was about to answer when I heard someone else respond. A guy with one of those Halloween masks came out of the building and was talking to him. The first guy stood up and did one of those 'wave' animation things. Halloween asked if he had any food. Stetson responded by dropping a few tins and a bottle of water. While Stetson was stood facing Halloween talking to him, three more Halloween clad people emerged from the back of the building (out of sight of Stetson), two from the left, one from the right and encircled him. Halloween Number 1 pulled out a pistol and the others rushed in, one of them handcuffing him. Before I could do much Halloween 1 shot him in the head and they started looting him. That hit me right in the feels (DanielC007, I haven't forgotten what you did to me and I will find you) so I took my rather useless CR527 and single clip of 5 rounds and ran at them firing while they were all crowing over their victim. I shot all four and am somehow alive.
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of bandits.
I was hiding behind a building at NWAF and saw a guy in a stetson creeping along a wall. He couldn't have seen me so he must have heard someone else because he called out 'friendly'. I was about to answer when I heard someone else respond. A guy with one of those Halloween masks came out of the building and was talking to him. The first guy stood up and did one of those 'wave' animation things. Halloween asked if he had any food. Stetson responded by dropping a few tins and a bottle of water. While Stetson was stood facing Halloween talking to him, three more Halloween clad people emerged from the back of the building (out of sight of Stetson), two from the left, one from the right and encircled him. Halloween Number 1 pulled out a pistol and the others rushed in, one of them handcuffing him. Before I could do much Halloween 1 shot him in the head and they started looting him. That hit me right in the feels (DanielC007, I haven't forgotten what you did to me and I will find you) so I took my rather useless CR527 and single clip of 5 rounds and ran at them firing while they were all crowing over their victim. I shot all four and am somehow alive.