• #15203
That's how ebola spreads.
• #15204
i am patient zero... the super carrier
• #15205
if you could add a little cough and a sneeze to your hugging procedure, and cholera, small pox and bubonic plague to your repertoire you could wipe out the planet
• #15206
I alwasys love the bedwetting crybaby accusations about the bedwetting crybaby accusations.
The metahypocrisy is a beautiful thing.
Null reps all round!
• #15207
i am patient zero... the super courier
Now that would be an epic disaster movie. Pandemic spread by courier delivering papers around the city and then a secondary wave of contagion as fakengers get in on the act.
• #15208
i am USS Nimitz... the super carrier
Well, the 100,000T displacement and nearly 200MW power output would certainly explain the chain breaking.
• #15209
i am patient zero... the super cuddler
• #15210
lolz all of you
• #15211
i am patient zero... the super carrier
not with those legs you aren't
• #15212
VB have you confiscated all the gold stars?
• #15213
VB have you confiscated all the gold stars?
• #15214
Yes, read the other thread... we need to move LFGSS to Microcosm ASAP.
Microcosm isn't perfect yet, and doesn't know anything about donors and donor stars. To do the migration I need to get this data looking a bit like how Microcosm expects it, removing things not supported.
• #15215
VB have you confiscated all the gold stars?
And nerg, he took away nerg on the last day of term before we move to new classrooms.
• #15216
• #15217
And nerg, he took away nerg on the last day of term before we move to new classrooms.
Still working. I just tested it.
• #15218
And nerg, he took away nerg on the last day of term before we move to new classrooms.
The standard usergroup never had a nerg capability. The removal of the nursery has merged everyone into the standard usergroup.
• #15219
Who's shirt can I sign?
• #15220
This place IS full of bedwetting cry babies. Get over jeez and stop fucking going on about him.
So, absolutely this.
Wetlips -
• #15221
Can't wait to hunt all of them, also because for the occasion I will be wearing my favourite high heels mini skirt and blonde wig without the worry of been misunderstood.
• #15222
Will you be posting pics?
• #15223
Marcom posting photos tends to get him banned.
• #15224
^^^this place needs more transvestites.
• #15225
Marcom posting photos tends to get him banned.
There are no bans. All bans are banned. All the banned are back.
Is he an estate agent?