• #1527
From now until 22nd September.
• #1528
Deadline this Friday for Camden's West End Project consultation. Re-working of Tottenham Court Rd and Gower St, so relevant for all who cycle in Central London.
• #1529
Anyone else heading to the City of London cycling forum at the City Marketing Suite this Thursday (31st July)?
Yes. I'll be there. Say hello :)
• #1530
'Road Tax is bollocks, cycle lanes are bollocks
says an unlikely campaigner James May
• #1531
fuck james may. he's complicit in top gear's anti-cyclist agenda by sheer virtue of the fact that he presents the pile of shit show.
• #1532
telling it like it is^^
• #1533
These people just popped up in my Twitter feed
PeopleForBikes @peopleforbikes
What do you call this kind of bicycling? bit.ly/1p9G2l6They're trying to rebrand riding a bike.
Which one of these names best describes this kind of bicycling?
- Everyday Biking
- City Riding
- Community Cycling
- Functional Bicycling, or Funcycling
Funcycling. Funcycling.
- Everyday Biking
• #1534
You don't have to click any of the options, the next page asks you why and gives you another text box to enter your own term.
I clicked none, entered "they all sound bad" and entered "cycling" as my suggestion.
• #1538
Hello campaigning-inclined people. You might be interested in the Cyclenation conference on 22 November at Lambeth Town Hall. Here's the agenda - if you have any interest in infrastructure the design standards session should be great; Brian Deegan and Phil Jones are both really good. Ditto inclusive cycling with Rachel Aldred and Kevin Hickman. And the rest of it.
It's a mere £25 (50% off for students) and there'll be some kind of delicious lunch involved, and biscuits.
[disclaimer: I work for LCC, and really like biscuits]
Cyclenation-CTC Annual Conference
11:00 - 11:30 Registration, Tea & Coffee for non-Cyclenation members
11:30 - 11:45 Welcome & intro by Ann Kenrick, Chair of LCC and Paul Tuohy, CEO of CTC
11:45 - 11:50 Cllr Jennifer Brathwaite, Cabinet Member for Environment & Sustainability,
London Borough of Lambeth
11:50 - 13:00 Opening Plenary (panel presentations and Q&A):
Building political commitment for cycling / Insights into political dynamics
Robert Goodwill (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, DfT) – to be confirmed
Julian Huppert MP (Cambridge)
Edwina Hart (Minister for Transport, Wales) – to be confirmed
George Ferguson (Mayor of Bristol) – to be confirmed
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:15 Plenary (presentations with Q&A)
Design Standards, background and scope for development across the UK
Phil Jones, Phil Jones Associates, contributor to Welsh Active Travel Bill
Brian Deegan, Transport for London, LCDS – to be confirmed
15:15 - 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:45 Policy Workshops – choice of three
1) Public Health, working with local authorities in their new duties
Lucy Saunders, Public Health Specialist, GLA/TfL Transport and Public Realm team
2) Accessibility/Inclusivity of Cycling, towards a CN Inclusive Cycling Policy
Rachel Aldred, Senior Lecturer in Transport, University of Westminster
Kevin Hickman, Inclusive Cycling Forum
3) National Space4Cycling Campaign, next steps
Roger Geffen, Campaigns & Policy Director, CTC
16:50 - 17:30 Guest Speaker: Andrew Gilligan, Mayor of London’s Cycling Commissioner
17.30 - 17.45 Closing comments by Eric Booth, Chair of Cyclenation
18:00 Drinks (venue tbc) -
• #1539
Jesus wept;
• #1540
• #1541
not in bad taste at all that....
• #1543
"Your city takes advice from vehicular cyclists serioisly" is there as one of the 'snakes'.
Fuck you, Copenhagenize.
• #1544
He's very contradictive when I had a conversation with him, he was amanet that Copenhagen is safe, and the record show it, but when I enquired about the law of riding on the road, he was also quick to says it would be risky and we should never mix with motorised vehicles.
If you want to see the very best of gutter cycling, Copenhagen is the place.
• #1545
In the UK, some people view cycling on the pavement as a major problem, so police officers fine cyclists for being on the pavement (even if there's a complicated mess of a cycle path allow them to).
Whether in Barcelona, they decided the best way to reduced the number of people riding on the pavement is to targets poor driving around cyclists.
A much better system than blaming cyclists for riding on the pavement in the first place out of fear of motorised vehicles.
• #1546
rather than fighting over what one man in copenhagen said, and melodramatic die-in's which will just make more people afraid to cycle in towns and cities, did no one else not notice the £15 odd billion planned for the UK's roads infrastucture till 2021, especially an underpass at Stonehenge, a fraction of which could be devoted to cycling infrastructure and getting more people on bikes, to help combat the oncoming obesity crisis, helping the environment (which more roads for more cars isn't going to do) and generally just being awesome...
• #1547
That was in the news topic, very staggering compare to the pitfall £214 millions to be put toward cycling that was announced last week.
It's base on those notion that car ownerships will increase while cycling decrease in the future.
• #1549
pitfall £214 millions to be put toward cycling that was announced last week.
Yup a good description Ed
• #1550
It might...
in the developing world. But over here I doubt it.
London Cycling Summit on 7th August in Hackney