I'm yet to hear/read any kind of moral or ethical argument that in any way justifies the appallingly high civilian and children death count in Gaza. Any time the question is raised, the argument immediately gets deflected into rockets, security, borders, '67, militants, human shields, tunnels, anti-semite, no you're a cunt, blah... All bullshit and deflection as far as I'm concerned. FFS!
At what point/percentage/count will Israelis themselves (let alone the international community) say it is too high? 80% civilian? It has passed that. I truly despair.
The moral or ethical argument is: Hamas is using them as human shields and/or they (civilians) have been warned they are going to be bombarded, so should leave (to UN buildings perhaps? Oh.).
Or if you take the more extreme view of some - there are no civilians (a view held by some in Knesset).
The moral or ethical argument is: Hamas is using them as human shields and/or they (civilians) have been warned they are going to be bombarded, so should leave (to UN buildings perhaps? Oh.).
Or if you take the more extreme view of some - there are no civilians (a view held by some in Knesset).