• How can you find out which roads are controlled by council and which are TfL.

    Where I live in Peckham people drive like absolute belms around quiet back, residential streets and I can't wait to see a 20mph speed limit introduced.

    How TfL manages London's roads

    Responsibility for managing London's road network is shared between the Highways Agency, Transport for London (TfL) and the 32 London boroughs.

    We manage the TfL Road Network (the TLRN or London's 'red routes') and are responsible for the maintenance, management and operation of the Capital's 6,000-plus sets of traffic signals.

    The Highways Agency manages the national motorway network, including the M25 orbital motorway and the M1, M4 and M11, and the London boroughs are responsible for all the remaining roads within their boundaries.

    The details are all in Traffic Regulation Orders, held by Councils and TfL.
