when a lorry, bus, car or pedestrian stops doing stuff that is unsafe, irritating, infuriating, offensive or down right stupid on the roads....then so will I.
While I understand the sentiment that you seek to express, i fear that if you wish to persist in behaviour that is unsafe or downright stupid (as well as offensive, infuriating or irritating) you may not last long enough to see the cessation of such activity by other road users.
You, unlike they (other than the pedestrians) are not protected by a big metal box. You should take care and cycle responsibly.
They should also use the road responsibly, with a mind to the potential lethal nature of their vehicles and not seek to abdicate their responsibility by sticking signs on the backs of their vehicles.
While I understand the sentiment that you seek to express, i fear that if you wish to persist in behaviour that is unsafe or downright stupid (as well as offensive, infuriating or irritating) you may not last long enough to see the cessation of such activity by other road users.
You, unlike they (other than the pedestrians) are not protected by a big metal box. You should take care and cycle responsibly.
They should also use the road responsibly, with a mind to the potential lethal nature of their vehicles and not seek to abdicate their responsibility by sticking signs on the backs of their vehicles.