• Hello

    I had a fairly major smash cycling home from work about 5:30pm on Wednesday 18th June. It was on the south side of Tottenham Court Road, just as you come up from the junction with new oxford street and the entrance to the tube station. Apparently I was conscious when the ambulance picked me up, but I've no memory whatsoever of the event or the following couple of days. Injuries are messy but I'll recover - concussion, elbow fractured in a number of places, 4 teeth missing, bruising, roadrash and general trauma to face, legs back and arms.

    The police have checked CCTV and there's no record of the incident, so as far as they are concerned there's nothing more they're able to do. Tottenham court road at rush hour is mobbed so its fair bet that someone saw what happened, so I thought worth a post on here.

    I was wearing a red merino top, black "London Phoenix" bib shorts, carry a blue/red messenger back and on a matt black Langster.

    If you happened to see anything, before or after the event, or know someone that cycles up TCR on their way home around that time I'd be very interested to hear from you.

    For a little comedy - the ambulance crew took the bike in the ambulance to UCHL and then "tied it up to the railings". Perhaps they gave it a bail of hay and some water too... So if you happen to see a langster with a 3T stem and a stronglight crank then I'd be interested in that too!


