Like the link to the nurture / nature argument which, as far as I recall when I studied developmental psych, concluded that a persons development is a combination of both. My tutor was particularly keen on Jean Piaget view of stages of development which suggest biological developmental stages a within a social environment
There seem to be very few things that aren't a bit of column A/column that research in epigenetics is kicking off this hard gene theory may fly out of the window for many things.
The tricky bit too is that if depression runs in a family...certain bad mental habits/circumstances also run in the family. A few things have been found with genetic links, but even identical twins can have totally different personalities. I suspect if you "re-run" a person* every time you get different results.
There seem to be very few things that aren't a bit of column A/column that research in epigenetics is kicking off this hard gene theory may fly out of the window for many things.
The tricky bit too is that if depression runs in a family...certain bad mental habits/circumstances also run in the family. A few things have been found with genetic links, but even identical twins can have totally different personalities. I suspect if you "re-run" a person* every time you get different results.
*as defined by their DNA container.