• In the category, an uncle of mine ended up in a mental hospital after developing schizophrenia. The amount of people smoking in there was very high, perhaps self-medication. Or sheer boredom.

    What was very disappointing there was that while he was there he was barely able to communicate. When moved to an elderly home for people with mental health issues they reviewed his medication and you could actually have a conversation with him.

    So he was drugged into oblivion before he moved. Not obviously on purpose, yet we are talking about decades here where nobody reviewed his drugs and he was basically in a daze for which there was no medical need.

    Certain drugs to treat mental health issues also lead to massively reduced lifespans and various health issues. Easily take 10 years off...so yes, something needs done.

    Feeling a bit sad when I type this actually...as in this case all that needed to be done for him to have more contact with us was somebody to review his medication with the appropriate knowledge on how to change it.

    That is really sad.
    Retrospect is a fine thing - I'm sure we all know someone who could have benefitted from a different course of action.

    Yes, smoking seems to be one of the few ways patients can get off the ward/get some space. Thankfully those grim 'smoking rooms' have been removed.


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