• #1677
There were no questions about skidding. Most disappointing.
• #1678
That's definitely going to end up in some bullshit news story in 2 months time.
• #1679
100% although I got the pavement one wrong.
• #1680
Did I break it or something?
• #1681
80% got the passenger question wrong #foreveralone
• #1682
The one about lighting must be wrong anyway. You aren't expected to have reflectors on clipless pedals!
• #1683
technically clipless are illegals bruv
• #1684
Yes you are. The law is pretty clear on this - Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations, Schedule 20, Part I, 1.
• #1685
... unless the bike predates 1985 (which I guess simply means the frame).
• #1686
(But I hate one sided pedals, especially for commuting. I use M424 for hackbike and M520/M540 on road/fixed bikes.)
• #1687
Wearing shoes with reflective patches on the back or, even better, reflective ankle straps will be seen as trying to comply with the spirit of the law.
• #1688
Because plod and plastic plod are only interested in the spirit of the law...
• #1689
They is gotta catch me first
• #1690
On the other hand, the law doesn't specify a minimum area for the reflectors, so you should be legal as long as you can find a 1 sq. mm reflector with a BS mark on it? Maybe there's a market opportunity right there!
• #1691
Been suggested before. The associated BS standard specifies a minimum size. So a 1mm x 1mm reflector can't have the BS stamp on it.
• #1692
what a load of BS
• #1693
No, you're a kite mark.
• #1694
A kite mark? I'm sure I wiped properly.
• #1695
Bloke next to me at lights at Trafalgar Sq. trackstanding like a nodder. American tourist crossing the road points at him and goes "nice control!" which made him fall off.
The man got stagefright.
• #1696
They is gotta catch me first
All they have to do is chase you for 24 hours and one minute.
• #1697
I'm only just warmed up then.
• #1698
Leaving the DD coaches to go home so go up tooley street and turn south at london bridge, make the turn wide in primary as I'm just not feeling 100% with london traffic and a close pass before I'm in the groove again might break me. Must be like the 3rd bus I have seen since I pulled away starts shouting at me "rar rar rar ride in the gutter" so think fuck this guy and ride primary infront of him to then go right, as soon as I'm right enough he pulls alongside and shouts "I'm going to fucking kill you if you ride like that again..." so the next stop he stops at I pulled up infront of him and just sat chill, he threatened to call the police, he waited some more, he then actually called the police, police arrived and then he was extremely confused when I explained my defensive position to them in all of 30sec and they turn to the bus driver and say "you are lucky he didn't stop anyone as a witness, step this way we are having a talk". Not ever done that before but huge levels of "fuck this".
• #1699
Result :)
• #1700
Nice one. The traffic is pretty slow for buses around LB anyway, so I can't see why the plonker would feel the need to stress it.
0% and then it changed to 100%
Must be some sort of software issue