Here are the first rounds of fixtures. The team in brackets is the refereeing team.
Please be there as early as you can so we can get started and play moar polo.
Birthday vs Fudanik (Predators)
LuckyStrike vs NoHorse (Mondial)
Westway vs ThemApples (Madjomy)
Birthday vs LuckyStrike (HoboErotica)
Westway vs Fudanik (CrossHares)
ThemApples vs NoHorse (Centaurs)
CrossHares vs Mondial (Westway)
Centaurs vs Madjomy (ThemApples)
HoboErotica vs Predators (NoHorse)
Centaurs vs Mondial (LuckyStrike)
Madjomy vs Predators (Birthday)
CrossHares vs HoboErotica (Fudanik)
Here are the first rounds of fixtures. The team in brackets is the refereeing team.
Please be there as early as you can so we can get started and play moar polo.
Birthday vs Fudanik (Predators)
CrossHares vs Mondial (Westway)