Ha ha, it is very similar to potato printing the prep is laborious.
Thank you for everyone for being so understaning and i am very sorry for the dealy, there is some bad new and good news , te good new is i have someone helping me tomorow which should speed things up and if i have an induction to close the place uo tomorrow i will be able to print over the weekend and get the shirts i do make in the post. However, if i dont get this induction i probably wont get the shirt out til thrusday as i have an unexpected hospital appointment that might require me to have a rest day but its not serious.
I hope this is okay, as the otter print is a complicated 4 colour print its taking a lot of prep time. :)
Ha ha, it is very similar to potato printing the prep is laborious.
Thank you for everyone for being so understaning and i am very sorry for the dealy, there is some bad new and good news , te good new is i have someone helping me tomorow which should speed things up and if i have an induction to close the place uo tomorrow i will be able to print over the weekend and get the shirts i do make in the post. However, if i dont get this induction i probably wont get the shirt out til thrusday as i have an unexpected hospital appointment that might require me to have a rest day but its not serious.
I hope this is okay, as the otter print is a complicated 4 colour print its taking a lot of prep time. :)