Like all language, I guess it depends if it works for you?
If somebody would call me "in recovery" for working on my attitudes/behavior, don't we all, my first reaction is "What is it I have to "recover" from, a broken leg??? I'm OK the way I am and thank you very much".
But if you see yourself as "sick" may be a very powerful term.
The politics of experience sounds very interesting.
I've met some rather nutty people (model railway society, some professors at uni...eccentric doesn't describe it) that seem perfectly functioning, as in married/working/social network.
What are we trying to "cure" here if all it is is a perceived malfunctioning that is deviation from a norm?
On that note: The infamous experiment where healthy/normal/whatever you call it people said they have a voice that goes "thud"...guess what some ended up on heavy medication...
Like all language, I guess it depends if it works for you?
If somebody would call me "in recovery" for working on my attitudes/behavior, don't we all, my first reaction is "What is it I have to "recover" from, a broken leg??? I'm OK the way I am and thank you very much".
But if you see yourself as "sick" may be a very powerful term.
The politics of experience sounds very interesting.
I've met some rather nutty people (model railway society, some professors at uni...eccentric doesn't describe it) that seem perfectly functioning, as in married/working/social network.
What are we trying to "cure" here if all it is is a perceived malfunctioning that is deviation from a norm?
On that note: The infamous experiment where healthy/normal/whatever you call it people said they have a voice that goes "thud"...guess what some ended up on heavy medication...