Heart in mouth moment this morning: Hi-vis commuter almost taken out by HGV driver at junction where Stanhope Terrace splits to go into Hyde Park. HGV driver (I assume blindly following the diversion signs?) attempts to overtake and cut across from right hand side to go straight on while cyclist was following the road into the park.
My shouting from 30 yards back fell on deaf ears for both. But the cyclist realised what had almost happened and gave the driver some verbals / copious fist shaking. Made me shudder all the way to work. Didn't get the reg or company to report, which has pissed me off all morning.
Heart in mouth moment this morning: Hi-vis commuter almost taken out by HGV driver at junction where Stanhope Terrace splits to go into Hyde Park. HGV driver (I assume blindly following the diversion signs?) attempts to overtake and cut across from right hand side to go straight on while cyclist was following the road into the park.
My shouting from 30 yards back fell on deaf ears for both. But the cyclist realised what had almost happened and gave the driver some verbals / copious fist shaking. Made me shudder all the way to work. Didn't get the reg or company to report, which has pissed me off all morning.