Time to embarrass myself again.
I was playing around with a measuring tape and two tubes of Nuun. At 38 cm apart (c-t-c) my arms are tilting outwards at an angle that is wider than what you see in the peloton. I was a bit surprised, seeing that 38 is the smallest size in most makes… and I’m not *that * narrow shouldered I reckon.
I’m not racing, never will be, so I have no need for narrow bars to let me negotiate a crowd. But when doing yoga my teacher told me that for plank exercises the best way is completely parallel arms, so you’d think that a narrow arm width would be good for cycling too?
Er, I don’t know what my question is…. Feel free to take the piss.
Time to embarrass myself again.
I was playing around with a measuring tape and two tubes of Nuun. At 38 cm apart (c-t-c) my arms are tilting outwards at an angle that is wider than what you see in the peloton. I was a bit surprised, seeing that 38 is the smallest size in most makes… and I’m not *that * narrow shouldered I reckon.
I’m not racing, never will be, so I have no need for narrow bars to let me negotiate a crowd. But when doing yoga my teacher told me that for plank exercises the best way is completely parallel arms, so you’d think that a narrow arm width would be good for cycling too?
Er, I don’t know what my question is…. Feel free to take the piss.