• #51377
Cool aero steel bike.
Wow, love this. It appears to be a Maxi-sports CLM équipe, which I have never heard of before.
Really, really like this....and I have to go to Toulouse for work in a week or so...and I have an evening free...and I have a hire car...2 hours drive...
Can't see a price or am I being thick?
• #51378
Nice Specialized Langster 2010 going cheap
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291176100185?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 -
• #51381
Cheap Columbus SL Bottecchia with various issues:
• #51383
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=301225241031&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:enhttp://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?ff3=2&pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336525415&item=301225241031&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] 52 square track frame, supposedly build by Raleigh SBDU nice flame paintjob but a dent. More on bike manufacturer here... http://forums.roadcyclinguk.com/showthread.php/116336-dave-quinn
• #51384
Cool aero steel bike.
Wow, love this. It appears to be a Maxi-sports CLM équipe, which I have never heard of before.
Really, really like this....and I have to go to Toulouse for work in a week or so...and I have an evening free...and I have a hire car...2 hours drive...
Can't see a price or am I being thick?
nearly bought one of these or something very similar off hilary stone a few years back, nice maxi sports lo pro with 650 front
it was just too small unfortunatly, a nice unusual bike -
• #51385
ha funnily enough there is a maxi sports track frame on his website currently in similar fading colours
• #51387
ha funnily enough there is a maxi sports track frame on his website currently in similar fading colours
• #51388
dat resell...
• #51389
Nishiki might be worth saving £30 Herts:
• #51390
probably dat french threaded bb and fork too
• #51391
dunno if the seller is willing to post... but: lovely faggin track bike with full gipiemme piste groupset for $975...
• #51392
• #51393
There's no headset installed, so the front looks tighter than it is. I have one of these frames, won't take more than 23c. I did Dunwich on mine last year.
• #51394
yours has different forks?
• #51395
Apparently the rider mine was built for (r. Pierre) wanted slightly bigger tyres, if Hilary Stone is right and that frame only takes 22c...
• #51397
yours has different forks?
That as well.
Probably not that different when you picture it with a headset installed. They're nice frames anyway. They have stars painted on, ffs.
• #51398
Another one from the French http://www.leboncoin.fr/velos/661761452.htm?ca=12_s
• #51399
Tidy Mervin ending in 5. £187
• #51400
Interesting Whitcomb track who was apparently made for Dave Lloyd...
Colnago Super: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331238842998?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649