• #77
I'm considering getting some bib shorts made by Milltag with 'Cyclists - Stay classy' on the bum (in the style of the TfL sticker ofc), if hippy doesn't mind us swiping his slogan. Anyone keen? Milltag''ve said they'll do it if we have 10 people in, up to 3 so far...
4, fuck yeah
• #78
This sounds great, you could then also colour in the 'c' and 'l' in the last word with a black Sharpie marker.
How do you colour in an 'l'?
• #80
Ha! I've been wanting to ask Ed Milltag to do something very similar for ages...maybe you should start a thread Rosie?
The only problem is I'm about to disappear off cycle touring for ages. Anyone fancy taking on the organisation? Otherwise happy to do it when I get back, but don't want to leave everyone hanging for weeks...
• #81
In (5) for the shorts
Stay cl assy out there... -
• #82
Actually it IS the driver's responsibility not to endanger any other road user, particularly not to kill them.
A cyclist stopped in front of this sign should be seen by the driver in the overhead mirror and probably in the wide angle mirror. The overhead mirrors to the side and front of big lorries give a view 2 metres out to the side and front of the lorry - that is the area marked out by the orange lines when the Police do 'changing places' events.
Most cyclist fatalities involving HGVs in London happen when the cyclist is hit from behind or from the side by the very front of the lorry. In almost all of these cases the cyclist has passed through an area visible to the driver, if he/she had been checking the mirrors at the appropriate time.The myth is that blind spots cause casualties. I think that it is reasonable for a driver to be responsible for not moving his/her lorry into an area of road with restricted visibility without taking extra care to ensure there are no pedestrians or cyclists in that area.
The area more than 2 metres away from the left side of a large lorry is the most hazardous hidden area. Many drivers are unaware that this is where most victims are before a sharp turn brings the lorry across their path and runs them down. The Stay Back message is pointless for the cyclist who passes in the lane to the left of a lorry before it turns, or for the case where the lorry overtakes a cyclist then slows dramatically while cutting across their path.
far too much of 'the driver should be responsible, pedestrians and bike riders can do what ever the hell they want as the driver will make up for their lack of knowledge'.
if its so dangerous why the fuck are they going down there? perhaps because of a lack of understanding of using the road? at the end of the day you should be responsible for yourself, i dont know how thats such an odd idea. drivers more than likely are looking in their mirrors but they also shouldnt have to expect people to be in crazy places at the wrong time.
blindspots are not myths. didnt you get taught on your driving test and/or motorbike test to "check the blind spot''? im guessing you have an hgv license too, what did they say about blind spots then?
• #83
iirc Charlie does hold an HGV licence. And he clearly makes the point that most cyclists deaths happen after the lorry driver has already seen them.
• #84
so if they see them, they know theyre there and drive into them anyway?
interested to hear from an hgv driver about blind spots being a myth. theyre not on motorbikes, or cars. not mine anyway. or anyone elses that i was led to believe - hence being taught various observations to overcome it.
• #85
Did you actually read Charlie's posts up there or were you too busy looking down the back of the sofa for your Caps Lock key?
• #86
^ somone rep matt for me. ta.
• #87
so if they see them, they know theyre there and drive into them anyway?
interested to hear from an hgv driver about blind spots being a myth. theyre not on motorbikes, or cars. not mine anyway. or anyone elses that i was led to believe - hence being taught various observations to overcome it.
Drivers of the tipper lorry I was working with on Friday do not have blind spots. (I know some lorry drivers still do). Drivers scan their mirrors regularly and especially before turning. They scan, left to right, then back to left. It takes (I think) 0.8 seconds which is enough time for a rider to move along a truck while the driver is looking in another mirror. which could lead to a rider stopping below the front-left of the cab.
The truck I was with also had cameras that popped up the image filmed in the direction the driver is indicating or shows the back of the truck if the driver starts reversing.
The driver was saying that this tech really helps, but, as mentioned above they still only have one pair of eyes and still may lose concentration due to fatigue etc.
I asked the boss of the company if they fit telemetery boxes (like buses have) to monitor the smoothness of braking to ensure analyise the quality of the driving. He said they would but since these tipper trucks go on sites with very poor surfaces it's not very helpful. They would like to see improvements on the construction sites such as concrete surface rather than the rubble they currently have to drive over
I plan to ask the company if I can spend some time in the cab with the driver to really see what its like. Will report here
• #88
^ somone rep matt for me. ta.
• #89
Too kind sir.
• #90
Where can I get a "cyclists - beware of passing this vehicle without offering it a liquorice allsort" jersey ?
• #91
Someone rep Skydancer for me.
• #92
I'm considering getting some bib shorts made by Milltag with 'Cyclists - Stay classy' on the bum (in the style of the TfL sticker ofc), if hippy doesn't mind us swiping his slogan. Anyone keen? Milltag''ve said they'll do it if we have 10 people in, up to 3 so far...
Love this idea, please add me to the list (6).
I appreciate I'm a newbie here with no-one to vouch for me, so I'm happy to front up cash in advance if this happens.
• #93
I always find myself saying 'Stay Classy!' to people being sick and stuff. Oh the quips one can quoth, and just ride on, whilst the drunken fules stand there with puke on their shoes.
• #94
I need a sticker to stop cyclists riding in the 6ft gap between the rear of my truck and the front of the chipper.
Can you modified a pair of retractable queuing pole and put it on either side? (without the legs obviously)
• #95
I also hold an HGV license.
• #96
The only problem is I'm about to disappear off cycle touring for ages. Anyone fancy taking on the organisation? Otherwise happy to do it when I get back, but don't want to leave everyone hanging for weeks...
Font is P22UndergroundPro-Demi
http://i.imgur.com/yosdp6k.png -
• #97
^^^ Good idea Ed.
• #98
Picture of Hippy, naked on a tiger skin rug being oiled by his midgets should do the trick.
Are you going to start doing prints of all the images in your collection?
• #99
The only problem is I'm about to disappear off cycle touring for ages. Anyone fancy taking on the organisation? Otherwise happy to do it when I get back, but don't want to leave everyone hanging for weeks...
If you can get the design sorted, happy to take over rest - have dealt with Milltag for ladies jerseys innit and it's not you much bother...
• #100
- Bendix
- Poots
- Katy B
- Boffers
- Skydancer
- Bendix
This sounds great, you could then also colour in the 'c' and 'l' in the last word with a black Sharpie marker.