I've now swapped the wheel and the noise is gone. However I need this new wheel on my other bike.
So I assume the noise is the cartridge bearings which still appear to be really smooth or the spokes. Is there any easy way to tell?
I assume to identify the bearings in this unbranded hub I need to bash them out which will trash them. When I removed the bearings from my On-One fixed hub I had to poor boiling water on the hub shell around the bearings before wacking the axle bloody hard. I thought the hub was going to break, is this normal? I dread trying to remove these.
If the spokes what would you folks advise given the fact the tension seems OK.
I've now swapped the wheel and the noise is gone. However I need this new wheel on my other bike.
So I assume the noise is the cartridge bearings which still appear to be really smooth or the spokes. Is there any easy way to tell?
I assume to identify the bearings in this unbranded hub I need to bash them out which will trash them. When I removed the bearings from my On-One fixed hub I had to poor boiling water on the hub shell around the bearings before wacking the axle bloody hard. I thought the hub was going to break, is this normal? I dread trying to remove these.
If the spokes what would you folks advise given the fact the tension seems OK.
Cheers all.