Bunch of stuff that I found lying around in the shed.
1. S&M Race Bars. 5" rise. 27" wide. Used for only a month or two on a cruiser. Uncut, really good condition. SOLD/SOLD/SOLD 2. Selle Italia Turbo. White, pretty ratty but not too many tears. Just some scuffs and seeming some paint/mud splatter. SOLD/SOLD/SOLD 3. San Marco Rolls. Black. Bit scuffed but no tears. SOLD/SOLD/SOLD 4. Kalloy seatpost. Can't remember the exact width but it came on a Gangsta V2. Silver, scuffed, structurally sound. - £5 5. Halfords 700c ,37-45c inner tube. Unused but left for ages in the box. - £3 6. Shimano M520 SPD pedals. Used like 4-5 times. SOLD/SOLD/SOLD 7. United Bike CO BMX top cap. Unused. - £5 8. Milwaukee Bike CO. 12t track sprocket. Used but still has plenty of life. - £10 9. Bicycle Union ROAM Topload BMX Stem. Very good condition. DIBS Indra
10. Front rack. No idea of what make. Used only a few times after buying it on here an age ago. Somehow I've lost the part that connects to your bars but hey ho. SOLD/SOLD/SOLD
11. NS Bikes Trailmaster. 26" black. - £15
All prices are negotiable with in reason.
I can post but buyer must cover costs.
Based in SE8/SE17.
Pick up prefered but can meet or post.
PM me with interest.
Bunch of stuff that I found lying around in the shed.
1. S&M Race Bars. 5" rise. 27" wide. Used for only a month or two on a cruiser. Uncut, really good condition. SOLD/SOLD/SOLD
2. Selle Italia Turbo. White, pretty ratty but not too many tears. Just some scuffs and seeming some paint/mud splatter. SOLD/SOLD/SOLD
3. San Marco Rolls. Black. Bit scuffed but no tears. SOLD/SOLD/SOLD
4. Kalloy seatpost. Can't remember the exact width but it came on a Gangsta V2. Silver, scuffed, structurally sound. - £5
5. Halfords 700c ,37-45c inner tube. Unused but left for ages in the box. - £3
6. Shimano M520 SPD pedals. Used like 4-5 times. SOLD/SOLD/SOLD
7. United Bike CO BMX top cap. Unused. - £5
8. Milwaukee Bike CO. 12t track sprocket. Used but still has plenty of life. - £10
9. Bicycle Union ROAM Topload BMX Stem. Very good condition. DIBS Indra
10. Front rack. No idea of what make. Used only a few times after buying it on here an age ago. Somehow I've lost the part that connects to your bars but hey ho. SOLD/SOLD/SOLD
11. NS Bikes Trailmaster. 26" black. - £15
All prices are negotiable with in reason.
I can post but buyer must cover costs.
Based in SE8/SE17.
Pick up prefered but can meet or post.
PM me with interest.