• #15077
The old Cemetery is Mile End is worth a visit too.
Talking of themed BTOB things, I passed a pub in Camden the other day called Quinns, and it had a blue sign. It made me think that a series of bike tags where you have to tag your username somehow might be a fun diversion.
• #15078
That statue is really creepy, the face and hands are just mad.
IMG_20140602_195054 by middle of nowhere, on Flickr -
• #15079
+1 to a BToB ride.
• #15080
Great stuff. I think there was a tag at Abney Park (?) in Stoke Newington, Old St Pancras churchyard was on the underground ride, but worth another visit, and I think there was an old Jewish cemetery? Or at least gravestones? Enfield feels like a bit of a diversion, but you could always lead a feeder ride from there ...
• #15081
You can ride through Brompton cemetery of.of course
• #15082
Moar cluez
• #15083
There is GPS information on the photo (it's slightly mis-calibrated; about 2 streets). Sorry for the un-in-spired sleuthing.
• #15084
It's at least five minutes from my place.
Maybe I should go tag
• #15085
A lovely day for tagging.
• #15086
I was thinking about another BTOB ride later this summer, maybe graveyards, starting at Sansovino's tag in Chiswick, taking in Brompton Cemetery, the Pet Cemetery at Hyde Park, Bunhill Fields and ending at Nunhead? With a few others along the way?
I know hats had been thinking about a cemetery ride - maybe the two could be combined?
• #15087
^^ I think everyone is avoiding the most obvious follow on tag.
• #15088
A lovely day for tagging.
It is.
Has my leaving the location data in the image removed the need for moar cluez? Being a bit shit at cluez this would be a "good thing", for me at least.
• #15089
I haven't worked out how to find the location data. Think maybe info/options on flickr are limited on a phone.
Obvious follow-on tag is not obvious.
• #15090
Still shit at clues but I'll have a go...
It's by an exit-way on the course of the river that flows through Sloane Sq Station.
• #15091
For the new page:
Old, Thomas More's back outside Chelsea Old Church,
IMG_20140602_195038 by middle of nowhere, on FlickrNew: Not another church...
IMG_20140602_200457 by middle of nowhere, on FlickrNo, not another church could have siad it had sweet FA do do with the church but that changed a while ago.
• #15092
I'm officially shit at this game. I (think) I have the gps location and understand the clue yet no progress.
• #15093
There's a dyke in soho square who could tell you all about this.
• #15094
that dyke is under an arch, they moved north.
• #15095
Ah, long time since I delivered any packages.
• #15096
Totally know where this is but managed ride past it on the way home. Would have been a perfect end to a ride :(
• #15097
Spire House, Lancaster Gate. Was a church, now flats worth £2.5mNew:
Sari Club, where I got lucky, but 202 others sadly didn't. Selamat jalan
2 Attachments
• #15098
Finally uploaded a thing I spotted on this year's Tweed Run:
• #15099
Old: Bali bombing memorial, horse guards.
New... Pump.
• #15100
Finally one i know but have a million things to get done today before work.
Wait, there's a map?