This is what Dyson have done - they've made engineering sexy without people realising it
Er, no. They built a better mousetrap. Obviously it's highly styled, and that was done for various reasons not limited to attracting a demographic who like the Pompidou Centre and had the money and the inclination to spend it on a very expensive vacuum cleaner, but at the heart of the product was a genuine paradigm shift in the principle of operation which made the product function better than previous designs. And I don't think anybody who bought one didn't realise that it had been deliberately styled to appeal to them in a particular way.
Er, no. They built a better mousetrap. Obviously it's highly styled, and that was done for various reasons not limited to attracting a demographic who like the Pompidou Centre and had the money and the inclination to spend it on a very expensive vacuum cleaner, but at the heart of the product was a genuine paradigm shift in the principle of operation which made the product function better than previous designs. And I don't think anybody who bought one didn't realise that it had been deliberately styled to appeal to them in a particular way.