• #2
mashton lives round there so if he checks the forum he can probably help you out
• #3
If you are willing to walk up to Euston Station, there is a fruit stall/kiosk thing at the platform side of the concourse, people love fruit, and if it is a female human you are attempting to bond (and then perhaps mate?) you can both choose a different fruit each and feed them to each other - I would recommend an apple and an orange as they are both roughly spherical and easy to hold in five fingered hands with opposing thumbs.
For afters - pissed up business men, having arrived late at the station due to having spent the afternoon in the pub, often trot across the concourse filling their pie holes with salted nuts bought from one of the fairground workers who float around the station selling snacks - it is not uncommon for a few nuts to be dropped by the business men as they don't tend to look as they push hand loads of nuts into the front of their heads.
These dropped nuts are fair game.
While you are on all fours on the floor looking for nuts you can also often find coins. It really is a 'win - win' situation.
• #4
loads of places... why don't you do a google search and then if you find somewhere you think looks nice, ask about it. or give some kind of idea of details - type of food? budget (price range)? time? etc....
e.g. i'm looking for a place to grab a cheap-ish lunch around about 3 or 3.30 this afternoon (sunday). anyone recommend anywhere - all the places i know are m-f, 10-4 or similar and so won't be open...
ps - that's serious! i really am looking for somewhere for a cheap, late lunch today as i gotta be working. and preferably not a chain, either.
• #5
yeah, was thinking that, Flick, thanks...Mashton, if you about, what is that Italian place next to the Lamb like?
and Tynan, you are right, that is win-win...might look for the coins first though, cause then I will be able to afford fruit
• #6
cheap = that italian pizza place (icco?) on goodge street - £4 pizza.
Or, better still, get a juice and one of the big buffet tubs from planet organic on torrington place and take to gordon square.
Busabaeathai (sp? I could google but can't be bothered) behind the toot ct rd paperchase is nice too if you want a restaurant, still quite cheap and has outside seating.
Further down into Covent Gdn there is Food For Thought, veggie home cooked type food.
Then there's a funny place called Archipeligo over towards Mapel St which does all sorts of weird and wonderful things, if you're trying to impress in that way.P.S Tynan you're a funny bastard.
• #7
i don't know about resturaunts but theres a really nice pub on the west side of the station on Euston street, off Melton St. kinda small hidden away pub with lots of plants and 'wmoanly' stuff. Ladies i've gone there with like it...and hey pizza express is round the corner! CLASSY!?!?!?!
• #8
There's a really nice thai/ oriental place on Store street.
(Russell square is where SOAS is right?- my mum is a lecturer there, and she took me to that place- really nice, not expensive).
Also really upmarket there is hakkasan really down market there is the ecco pizza place on goodge street and go to a park to eat it.
Oh and an excellent mexican place off of percy street. -
• #9
That one on Store Street is the one I mentioned - Busaba Ethai, now that I can be bothered to check ;)
• #10
sorry, hadn't read through your post fully.
But it is amazingly tasty.
• #11
The Hare & Tortoise is wicked, but not really date material. The Okonomiyaki house on Museum st is quite fun, as is Archipelago (Although it's fiercely expensive and that food isn't great - the ambiance is awesome).
• #12
nice one guys, some good suggestions there
• #13
I work near charlette street and like the squat and gobble, always packed mind. Nice food - possibly not open at night. Also on charlotte street:
Passione is very good but very expensive (http://www.passione.co.uk/), there is also a fish restaurant on there which is nice too, again dear.
• #14
hare krishnas give free food outside UCL sometimes.
• #15
hare krishnas give free food outside UCL sometimes.
They have moved now to outside SOAS - only 1.00 though
• #16
take him/ her to the British museum, i would stick it in some one who took me there on a first date, providing they where reasonably good looking, and didn't have a VD i don't have yet.
• #17
Was wondering, in similar vain to the Fitzy thread, about a Bloomsbury thread,
undisturbed places to sun bathe: St. Pancras church yard
a place to hang out at tonight apres office,
St. Pancras Crypt,
kcDigitalArts Degree Show 2014
whats up all...I wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to good places to eat or drink around Bloomsbury/Russell Square...I have a date tonight :-) any suggestions or pointers would be appreciated...
nice one...peace