• #52
i meant, is there a spot that the forum will gather, have beers and watch from?
Rather than, where is this thing
• #53
I'll be Slaining it (-bike) with my girlfriend and perhaps a couple of colleagues if I can convince them to come watch people racing bikes. Will say hi if I spot any blatant LFGSSers
• #54
And out. Forgot i had Hatbreads bday on tonight.
• #55
heading down shortly via a circuitous route to here
west india ave where it meets nth / south colonnade
• #56
fuck fuck fuck I forgot my gels. does anyone in CW have gels?
• #57
No, but I can put some chicken nuggets on the finish line for you.
• #58
chicken nuggets are gels for vikings.
• #59
I have fig rolls.
• #60
just saw dan warming up on a turbo...such a wanabe mamil
• #61
Gels for a crit? Really?
• #62
^ i think he was joking
• #63
Just said hello to skinny warming up
• #64
Only at the London stage can you be attemptedly pick-pocketed while watching. Fucking LDN
• #65
^ who knew there were cunts in canary wharf??
• #66
Well, I'm there for a start.
• #67
Me too obvs
• #68
pleasant night last night
a couple of photossomeone famous in this shot
• #69
yeah that was a lovely evening. now have a bit of a headache from the free booze. lot of faff for 90 seconds cycling (or however long a lap sort of takes). think we took 6th? almost went down on the dismount, noodly legs after what is essentially a seated sprint but still, fun. probably would have been top 3 had I remembered my gels.
• #70
we looked out for you but there were too many poker faces behind mirrored sunnies to pick you out !
• #71
So many people in a hurry to dismount in the corporate race and going down at the pits.
Spotted a gent with shark pits and another in a BC jersey outside my work. Out yourselves. -
• #72
^ I think was me in the pits, next to the dude in BC top, although don't know him. No doubt he's on here though and I probably actually do...
• #73
how could you not recognise his delightful face?
http://instagram.com/p/o4GYb8TK3W/I saw the shark pits too!
Nice shots dicki
• #74
Just been looking at the tv rushes including ouramericanlover ... was a nice day for it.
• #75
Did they get any shots of Dicki lobbing his empty tinnies onto the course?
LFGSS mob have usually congregated at west end of track.
but i sometimes do a walk around so i make sure i see all the fun.
or should that be that all fun sees me !