To save anyone the bother when you google Woodley it is right near Reading. HTH.
I own an old ribble, probably a similar age to this one. fucking lovely ride but abysmal, poor quality, looks horrid close up paint-job. (I paid £160 or so for mine which reflected the very well used chorus 8 speed gruppo and shit paint-job. Not sure the steel on mine, probably 531 or some colombus not 653).
I strongly advise any potential purchasers to get LOTS of close ups of the paint before buying, not least as OP seems to have deliberably taken shit photos so you can't see the paint too well. Sorry, that's just an assumption, maybe he just can't take a photo to save his life.
Stop being a wanke.......oh this isn't going to work is it? Fucksake
Stop being a wanke.......oh this isn't going to work is it? Fucksake