Dug out a couple of 25c gp4000s for the Argos, I was wary of the puncture protection of the cheap michelins I had on it, having ridden the boardman pretty exclusively for the last month it feels amazing riding a bike with faster tyres...
The chainset annoys me but I have to remind myself this is meant to be a less desirable to thieves bike that I can leave locked up without stressing... sugino messenger though, eugh.
Dug out a couple of 25c gp4000s for the Argos, I was wary of the puncture protection of the cheap michelins I had on it, having ridden the boardman pretty exclusively for the last month it feels amazing riding a bike with faster tyres...
The chainset annoys me but I have to remind myself this is meant to be a less desirable to thieves bike that I can leave locked up without stressing... sugino messenger though, eugh.