I discovered LFGSS existence few days ago. For sure if I knew the story I would never put the order to INGRIA.
I don't have the habit and don't like to shoot on an ambulance... My posts are just to give some informations as accurate as possible. Like I pointed out my frame is free of "bubblegums welds" hopefully.
This afternoon I brang the frame to my local bike seller / repair for installing a bottom bracket. The technician tried to install a new one for 30 minutes but faced issue. Finally he told me that the thread work they did is not fully completed. He said he can fix it. Cost of the operation : 60 euros.
I discovered LFGSS existence few days ago. For sure if I knew the story I would never put the order to INGRIA.
I don't have the habit and don't like to shoot on an ambulance... My posts are just to give some informations as accurate as possible. Like I pointed out my frame is free of "bubblegums welds" hopefully.
This afternoon I brang the frame to my local bike seller / repair for installing a bottom bracket. The technician tried to install a new one for 30 minutes but faced issue. Finally he told me that the thread work they did is not fully completed. He said he can fix it. Cost of the operation : 60 euros.