I took off around 30-40 kg from it, put around 20 mods, everything from titanium OTR 2-in one manifolds and exhaust, power commander, distancers, dog bone, suspension, stage one DNA air filter, stage two DNA open air cover, drilled 6x holes in airbox, lambda baypass etc. To be honest I don't even remember everything I did to it. I had all mods listed on some forum but can't seem to find it any more, not even in Google cache... tl;dr it was one of the best and fastest (not to mention loudest, if you pass full throttle close to other cars, it would fire alarms in the whole block chain reaction) XTs in EU.
After I crashed it (which almost took my life, broke 4 vertebrae, spleen, internal bleeding, etc, took almost two years to recover, almost left me paralysed), I got a proper supermoto, Husaberg 450:
Which was a riot (99 kg!!), also had a few mods, but it didn't need much, just Arapovic factory titanium full system, alnaser and battery removed, a bit shorter gear ratios... But it was too much service wise, almost a full engine rebuild every year or so (I tend to ride hard)...
Then I swapped it for an old Ducati Monster 750, air cooled, carburettor:
A nice bike, semi cafe racer build, with front-end from a supersport, double brembo in front, clip-ons, open double termis at back etc. It is nice, but too miniscule for me, really a pain to ride (I'm around 191 cm). Don't know what to do with it, would love to sell it, but in this crisis that's hard, even for a shitty price.
Here's my first bike, Yamaha XT660X:
I took off around 30-40 kg from it, put around 20 mods, everything from titanium OTR 2-in one manifolds and exhaust, power commander, distancers, dog bone, suspension, stage one DNA air filter, stage two DNA open air cover, drilled 6x holes in airbox, lambda baypass etc. To be honest I don't even remember everything I did to it. I had all mods listed on some forum but can't seem to find it any more, not even in Google cache... tl;dr it was one of the best and fastest (not to mention loudest, if you pass full throttle close to other cars, it would fire alarms in the whole block chain reaction) XTs in EU.
After I crashed it (which almost took my life, broke 4 vertebrae, spleen, internal bleeding, etc, took almost two years to recover, almost left me paralysed), I got a proper supermoto, Husaberg 450:
Which was a riot (99 kg!!), also had a few mods, but it didn't need much, just Arapovic factory titanium full system, alnaser and battery removed, a bit shorter gear ratios... But it was too much service wise, almost a full engine rebuild every year or so (I tend to ride hard)...
Then I swapped it for an old Ducati Monster 750, air cooled, carburettor:
A nice bike, semi cafe racer build, with front-end from a supersport, double brembo in front, clip-ons, open double termis at back etc. It is nice, but too miniscule for me, really a pain to ride (I'm around 191 cm). Don't know what to do with it, would love to sell it, but in this crisis that's hard, even for a shitty price.