So, I've been trawling the internet for a while looking for some nice leather doubles and cages to go on the new build but I really am stumped with what to get. Cadence doubles look nice but the stores I've seen them in don't say anything about the doublizer (or binding patch as some call it), and that's something I'm after so I don't want to risk it.
So, basically I'm just asking what peoples experiences are with straps/clips and what you would recommend.
So, I've been trawling the internet for a while looking for some nice leather doubles and cages to go on the new build but I really am stumped with what to get. Cadence doubles look nice but the stores I've seen them in don't say anything about the doublizer (or binding patch as some call it), and that's something I'm after so I don't want to risk it.
So, basically I'm just asking what peoples experiences are with straps/clips and what you would recommend.