sharkpits on a red ss/fixie (didn't get a decent look) went past me on Lewisham way heading towards goldsmiths this morning about 8:40ish?
I was on a white pomp with risers turning down onto the road behind you.
In my dazed by the sun early morning mind I couldn't decide between shouting DAS or SHARKPITS, so what actually came out was a half-choked SHARKSKIDS that you clearly didn't hear.
sharkpits on a red ss/fixie (didn't get a decent look) went past me on Lewisham way heading towards goldsmiths this morning about 8:40ish?
I was on a white pomp with risers turning down onto the road behind you.
In my dazed by the sun early morning mind I couldn't decide between shouting DAS or SHARKPITS, so what actually came out was a half-choked SHARKSKIDS that you clearly didn't hear.