[more of a "cool" story than a cool story. I desperately wanted to blurt it out in the food thread but was able to spare everyone by diverting it here. Also maybe this will bring the thread back to life and remind the constable that it is after new years now so on with the stories.]
A friend, who is Jewish but slightly more observant than me*,on Rosh Hashanah** he accidently ate bacon clam pizza for lunch. True story.
*like he is vaguely atheist not furiously atheist. Also, unlike me, he knows about Jew things/holidays etc that he is supposed to do. He just doesn't do them.
**This is the day that God sits down and checks out your life. If you are being good and observant you get to live for another year otherwise you are written in to the book of death. This is one of the number of ways that the Jewish faith is harsh. It also means, I assume, that anyone who dies is super evil and that old people are all really bad.
I have eaten bacon latkes cooked by an observant jew on a sabbath. It was wrath free.
I have eaten bacon latkes cooked by an observant jew on a sabbath. It was wrath free.