• Weissbier? A German I know leaves a little bit in the bottle and shakes it around to get a similar result.

    Though I suppose that might also be his urine.


    (Enter Bavarian Beer Nerd mode)
    A Weissbier, also called Weizen has a part of the fermentation progress going on after it is bottled. An important part of the taste comes from this time in the bottle. Since fermentation needs yeast and once the beer is in the bottle it isn't filtered anymore a "normal" Hefeweizen has some yeast in it which leads to the beer not being clear, but rather a bit murky.
    Most of the yeast though will (if you store the bottle correctly, that is upright and cold) sink to the bottom.
    As discussed further, you will order one bottle of Weizen and get it poured into the glass (no taps involved). The technique includes pouring the beer slowly so there is not too much head formed early, then as there is only a bit of beer left in the bottle, shake it, to stir up the yeast at the bottom of the bottle and pour that now foamy stuff ontop of the beer.
    The aim is to make the head as tall as possible, maybe even peeking over the top of the glass, to show that it was poured "correctly"

    If you order a Weizen here and get it served without a head on the beer, you send it straight back, because it either wasn't properly poured (leaving out the yeast and thus an important part of the taste) or it's been standing around for some time.

    Also you don't drink Weizen straight from the bottle. You just don't.
    (Exit Bavarian Beer Nerd mode)

    Is there a beer thread?
