Comparing the six compacts is more of a hassle than I thought,
especially given that they're all loaded with the same 100 ASA (slide) film, and the weather is capricious as shit lately.
So I often bring a tripod, but the fact that they all have their threads in different places, and lens is on different levels in relation to base plate does not help.
So far I've just found that the Pentax Espio Mini has the most dim finder* (and no framelines),
the Yashica T3 Super has the biggest and brightest of them all, albeit with a cool colour cast.
though it's pretty funky it diplays dark bars of LCD-pixels if you get into close range (or use the daft "panorama" mode)
Really looking forward to seeing the pictures of course (rolls about half full on all of them by now),
but I guess I'll definately keep the Nikon L35AF, just because it's the most versatile of them all.
Comparing the six compacts is more of a hassle than I thought,
especially given that they're all loaded with the same 100 ASA (slide) film, and the weather is capricious as shit lately.
So I often bring a tripod, but the fact that they all have their threads in different places, and lens is on different levels in relation to base plate does not help.
So far I've just found that the Pentax Espio Mini has the most dim finder* (and no framelines),
the Yashica T3 Super has the biggest and brightest of them all, albeit with a cool colour cast.
Really looking forward to seeing the pictures of course (rolls about half full on all of them by now),
but I guess I'll definately keep the Nikon L35AF, just because it's the most versatile of them all.