I don't get people who try so hard to overtake and then relax straight away afterwards and start coasting, as though there was this imaginary finishing line which we both cross as soon as they overtake me. I don't magically slow down just because you've overtaken me. Perhaps if it takes so much effort to come past me that you then have to slow to a crawl, maybe you should have just stayed behind me.
That'll be wind resistance. They're sucking your wheel with ease so think they're faster. As soon as they overtake they take the wind and immediately slow up and you get a tow so go faster.
Just keep swapping for the full pro-TTT effect. You're aiming for 35-40mph average to be competitive.
That'll be wind resistance. They're sucking your wheel with ease so think they're faster. As soon as they overtake they take the wind and immediately slow up and you get a tow so go faster.
Just keep swapping for the full pro-TTT effect. You're aiming for 35-40mph average to be competitive.