Trying to find some kind of steel screw
Don't know what it's called so I'm gonna ask you
It's a kind of washer and it's real deep
The sides are rounded and are really steep
You could fit a screw inside, snug and tight
If anyone can help that'd be well alright
I got a photo, take a look below
If there's any pros that know then you're my hero.
I'm looking at your hardware,
It's fronting like its superior,
Thinking it's pretty specialised,
With it's shapely interior,
Reminds me of a PMP seatpost clamp screwcap,
Fucking ballache material to acquire,
All 9 euros each, plus 20 fucking euros shipping from Italy.
I'm looking at your hardware,
It's fronting like its superior,
Thinking it's pretty specialised,
With it's shapely interior,
Reminds me of a PMP seatpost clamp screwcap,
Fucking ballache material to acquire,
All 9 euros each, plus 20 fucking euros shipping from Italy.