I bought a road frame off here a few weeks ago and have started building it up. I’ve got one issue I’ve not encountered before which is that the front mech can’t be set low enough on the braze on to be within the proper height above the big ring - it’s about 7-8mm above. My outer ring is 50t, which is obviously a variable affecting the clearance over the mech, but even with a 53t, it still seems too high, based on pix of the previous owner’s build. I’d be grateful for any suggestions for resolving this one. I thought initially maybe a band-on mech below the braze on would work but that would put the mech too low, unless you removed the braze on completely, and I’m not sure that’s a good idea on a Ti frame even if I wanted to do that. Another way could be to get a much bigger outer ring – this may have been a custom frame built for a monster - but this would then affect the rest of the gearing and probably not be the set-up I want, so I am reluctant to go down that route. Is there any kind of adapter to fit to the braze on that could drop the mech 5mm, or some other solution, other than giving up and selling the frame?
I bought a road frame off here a few weeks ago and have started building it up. I’ve got one issue I’ve not encountered before which is that the front mech can’t be set low enough on the braze on to be within the proper height above the big ring - it’s about 7-8mm above. My outer ring is 50t, which is obviously a variable affecting the clearance over the mech, but even with a 53t, it still seems too high, based on pix of the previous owner’s build. I’d be grateful for any suggestions for resolving this one. I thought initially maybe a band-on mech below the braze on would work but that would put the mech too low, unless you removed the braze on completely, and I’m not sure that’s a good idea on a Ti frame even if I wanted to do that. Another way could be to get a much bigger outer ring – this may have been a custom frame built for a monster - but this would then affect the rest of the gearing and probably not be the set-up I want, so I am reluctant to go down that route. Is there any kind of adapter to fit to the braze on that could drop the mech 5mm, or some other solution, other than giving up and selling the frame?
With a 50t
With a 53t