• #11277
Thanks for the FightStick, sumo, all your SF fights are soon belong to me...
• #11278
Chris, that is bad...
• #11279
Yep. I was half drunk and panicking... Windows though, terrifying...
Will give it another go asap. -
• #11280
Ugh. GTA for xbox one please.
• #11281
Some good humble bundles on atm.
There is a deal every day for the next two weeks.
• #11282
Thanks for the FightStick, sumo, all your SF fights are soon belong to me...
No worries. Prepare to get very angry at people rage quitting online.
• #11283
There is a deal every day for the next two weeks.
I'm glad you can read also, thought it was just me.
• #11284
Knowing the state of Wii U sales I'm guessing there aren't many owners on here, but on the off-chance… the indie game I've done the sound and music for is released tomorrow on the eShop:
Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails
It's good, honest. Edge 8, Eurogamer 8, ONM 90%.
£8.99. Would love to hear any feedback. Even if it's just taking the piss out of the name.
• #11285
I first read that as 89 golden penises and this only shocked me because you said it was for the Wii U.
• #11286
I read penises because you told me to.
• #11287
^^^I know TS has one, and so does tricitybendix. Shall do some pestering and make her get it so I can have a play.
• #11288
I first read that as 89 golden penises and this only shocked me because you said it was for the Wii U.
Heh, trying to get something like that past Nintendo would be like breaking into Fort Knox. Our artist drew some gory mouse bits that would fly off as you destroyed the space mice. We chuckled for a minute, and deleted it forever.
• #11289
^^ nice one, please do. Be warned though, it's not for the faint-hearted. It is quite tough, especially at the beginning while you learn the control system.
• #11290
6pt and tb enjoy playing that competitive supermega extreme tetris game. they like tough I think
• #11291
yeah, quite a fan of tricky fiddly obsessive simple things.
• #11292
Bootcamp is having issues today... shouldn't of deleted my original Windows instal... it nearly worked...
I need Day Z.
• #11293
been playing red dead redemption, and am enjoying it immensely. Feel like all I want to do is find treasure and break horses. Only thing that annoys me is when you hear shooting nearby, go to investigate, shoot whoever is holding a gun, only to find its the coppers and then having to spend money to get the bounty off my head.
also loving the bounties, learnt how to lasso and hogtie people, so now just want to capture everyone alive to double the reward....
• #11294
yeah, quite a fan of tricky fiddly obsessive simple things.
Ha, you are going to love this then.
Should be on the eShop around 2pm today.
• #11295
^^ I didn't get on with Red Dead Redemption at all, got bored very quickly...
Will take a look at Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails, Regal...
Mario Kart 8, T minus 15 days... :D
• #11296
So glad we got released a few weeks before MK8, it's going to destroy everything else on Wii U for a while. Looks amazing too, it just got 10/10 from Eurogamer.
• #11297
Red Dead Redemption is one of the best games I played for the 360/PS3 generation, without a doubt. The second half is a bit flat, but it's still an awesome awesome game.
• #11298
^This... preferred it to GTA4 actually.
• #11299
I might have to give it another go then... I got loads of games thrown when I bought my PS3 but didn't really enjoy any of them... I wanted to kill myself after playing Skyrim for an hour...
• #11300
Games are less appealing when you have a pile of them, it seems. When I got a SNES copier I pretty much stopped playing (or at least beating) games.
Actually need that book.
Went from running grunt compilers through command lines to "why isn't my cursor moving!??!!?" in about 15 mins...