It's true/I hope not. tea eggs are good though for real, if you can stop there I think you are all good.
As an aside but on a similar poultry-related topic. I have recently tried chicken feet at a chinese place. They were served blanched and cold. It was like sucking on toddlers fingers except for not pleasant. I had written them off,* but then I saw some thais deep frying them at the park. I wonder if they are good that way.
It is a good rule that when things are described as 'is considered a delicacy in...' you are entering into treacherous waters.
It's true/I hope not. tea eggs are good though for real, if you can stop there I think you are all good.
As an aside but on a similar poultry-related topic. I have recently tried chicken feet at a chinese place. They were served blanched and cold. It was like sucking on toddlers fingers except for not pleasant. I had written them off,* but then I saw some thais deep frying them at the park. I wonder if they are good that way.