So local elections are coming up soon, and I've been to meet the candidates, principally in response to the lack of progress on "The Grid" in K&C. All appeared sympathetic to improving road safety in the west end of Ken and Chelsea, but none had any ideas of their own, and are essentially passive - they are waiting for instructions on the red routes from TFL. Clearly, that isn't going to happen without outside influence.
I'd like to propose unwinding the gyratory system in Earl's Court to TFL. I'd like to propose adding a cycle lane on Warwick Road as part of that, as it is wider than Earl's Court Road between Old Brompton Road and Cromwell Road (where there are cycle lanes for the cyclist to pick up). This would link to the Hammersmith and Fulham cycle routes, and would improve road safety greatly in this area. I'd like to present a coherent, fully reasoned scheme to K&C, local councilors, and TFL, which includes an impact assessment on the traffic.
High Street Kensington gets a lot of attention on here and elsewhere, and CTC have been successful here, but I'd like to raise awareness of the problems elsewhere in this area. Interestingly, the candidates I spoke to were pushing for a cycle lane on HSK, but the opposition was currently from residents along HSK.
I need help in coming up with a feasible and realistic proposal, and hope that some of you are in a position, and willing, to help with this.
First of all, a return to two-way use would be overwhelmingly popular with local residents here. Secondly, if done in the next few years, it could integrate with the transport plans for the new development on the Exhibition Centre site, and with the Hammersmith 'fly-under'. Thirdly, it would make cycling in this part of town so much safer. It isn't popular here, because it is so difficult for novice cyclists. Fourthly, looking at the system overall, a return to two-way use wouldn't necessarily slow down average traffic speeds (detailed discussion will surely follow).
The first step must be to obtain data from TFL which justified the imposition of it in 1963. This was part of the plan for the inner circular, so presumably has different aims to the current road system, and it's unclear whether the system has been reviewed systematically since then. Secondly, to obtain the study which resulted in goods vehicles being banned from this area in the early 1970s. This I can do.
Where I would like help is in two areas:
1) Could you help me understand where (and I'm thinking of East London) one-way systems have been unwound. Where have successful interventions been? What has been done? Do any of you have involvement in the campaign.
2) Does anyone know anyone who works in town planning or as a traffic engineer, who could help with asking for a consultation on this from TFL, or even better, who could help conduct an analysis of whether this is possible? I'd imagine presenting a large map with proposed changes, positions of a new cycle lane, and some estimate of the effect on traffic in the area.
The reason I am keen to do this is that the local councilors will not come up with a scheme on their own to improve road safety. There is little political will from inside RBKC employees to change this, and none from TFL. However, the candidates were clear that if presented with a feasible idea, they would back it.
So, is anyone willing to offer any help? If so, reply here or send me a PM. I'd be very grateful, as would local residents, and people commuting through K&C to areas further west, and even more so, those commuting north/south.
I know the instant reaction is along the lines of 'you don't simply unwind the Earl's Court One-Way System', or make cycling in this area safer, but I wouldn't want that to be for lack of trying or lobbying.
So local elections are coming up soon, and I've been to meet the candidates, principally in response to the lack of progress on "The Grid" in K&C. All appeared sympathetic to improving road safety in the west end of Ken and Chelsea, but none had any ideas of their own, and are essentially passive - they are waiting for instructions on the red routes from TFL. Clearly, that isn't going to happen without outside influence.
I'd like to propose unwinding the gyratory system in Earl's Court to TFL. I'd like to propose adding a cycle lane on Warwick Road as part of that, as it is wider than Earl's Court Road between Old Brompton Road and Cromwell Road (where there are cycle lanes for the cyclist to pick up). This would link to the Hammersmith and Fulham cycle routes, and would improve road safety greatly in this area. I'd like to present a coherent, fully reasoned scheme to K&C, local councilors, and TFL, which includes an impact assessment on the traffic.
High Street Kensington gets a lot of attention on here and elsewhere, and CTC have been successful here, but I'd like to raise awareness of the problems elsewhere in this area. Interestingly, the candidates I spoke to were pushing for a cycle lane on HSK, but the opposition was currently from residents along HSK.
I need help in coming up with a feasible and realistic proposal, and hope that some of you are in a position, and willing, to help with this.
First of all, a return to two-way use would be overwhelmingly popular with local residents here. Secondly, if done in the next few years, it could integrate with the transport plans for the new development on the Exhibition Centre site, and with the Hammersmith 'fly-under'. Thirdly, it would make cycling in this part of town so much safer. It isn't popular here, because it is so difficult for novice cyclists. Fourthly, looking at the system overall, a return to two-way use wouldn't necessarily slow down average traffic speeds (detailed discussion will surely follow).
The first step must be to obtain data from TFL which justified the imposition of it in 1963. This was part of the plan for the inner circular, so presumably has different aims to the current road system, and it's unclear whether the system has been reviewed systematically since then. Secondly, to obtain the study which resulted in goods vehicles being banned from this area in the early 1970s. This I can do.
Where I would like help is in two areas:
1) Could you help me understand where (and I'm thinking of East London) one-way systems have been unwound. Where have successful interventions been? What has been done? Do any of you have involvement in the campaign.
2) Does anyone know anyone who works in town planning or as a traffic engineer, who could help with asking for a consultation on this from TFL, or even better, who could help conduct an analysis of whether this is possible? I'd imagine presenting a large map with proposed changes, positions of a new cycle lane, and some estimate of the effect on traffic in the area.
The reason I am keen to do this is that the local councilors will not come up with a scheme on their own to improve road safety. There is little political will from inside RBKC employees to change this, and none from TFL. However, the candidates were clear that if presented with a feasible idea, they would back it.
So, is anyone willing to offer any help? If so, reply here or send me a PM. I'd be very grateful, as would local residents, and people commuting through K&C to areas further west, and even more so, those commuting north/south.
I know the instant reaction is along the lines of 'you don't simply unwind the Earl's Court One-Way System', or make cycling in this area safer, but I wouldn't want that to be for lack of trying or lobbying.
Thank you.