I'd say that riding safely and smartly was much more important than averages. Are you a club member? Have you ever ridden a chaingang? I spent a year getting spat out of the back of our local chainy twice a week, then a year of sitting in and eventually winning sign sprints, before i entered my first race. Admittedly this is more than most people, but it stood me in very good stead.
Holding a wheel, and riding smartly in the bunch, is IMHO far more important than brute power.
I'd say that riding safely and smartly was much more important than averages. Are you a club member? Have you ever ridden a chaingang? I spent a year getting spat out of the back of our local chainy twice a week, then a year of sitting in and eventually winning sign sprints, before i entered my first race. Admittedly this is more than most people, but it stood me in very good stead.
Holding a wheel, and riding smartly in the bunch, is IMHO far more important than brute power.