Truth - "It is clear that there is a housing crisis in London and the South East, and that crisis is linked to the relationship between population and nos. of houses, and the population is linked to net migration, and net migration can be reduced by reducing immigration. This does not mean that we should close our borders but it does mean we should acknowledge that issues such as housing and immigration are linked and that the choices are simple - build more houses, consider ways of controlling population (shutting the borders is probably more acceptable than slaughtering babies) so we don't need so many houses or just say 'fuck it, if the poor live in overcrowded expensive housing then fuck 'em'. UKIPs policies are racist or damn close but they do at least have the decency to acknowledge an issue which the mainstream parties don't."
Putting "truth" in front of something doesn't make it so.
Putting "truth" in front of something doesn't make it so.