I'd say that you picked a frame that is not really an obvious choice for converting to fixed. From the little I know of the Galaxy it's a solid, reliable tourer with unremarkable ride and I doubt you'll feel the benefit of a fixed setup on it, unless you're going for a very specific bike, a fixed tourer.
In case you want a more traditional conversion, I'd suggest you start from a bike with less relaxed geo and less generous clearances, then your fixed will be much more nimble.
I'd say that you picked a frame that is not really an obvious choice for converting to fixed. From the little I know of the Galaxy it's a solid, reliable tourer with unremarkable ride and I doubt you'll feel the benefit of a fixed setup on it, unless you're going for a very specific bike, a fixed tourer.
In case you want a more traditional conversion, I'd suggest you start from a bike with less relaxed geo and less generous clearances, then your fixed will be much more nimble.