Po-po decided to overtake me on the ramp up a bridge over the motorway. He did so at a mellow 15mph, presumably so he could cruise the estate looking for permicious knids, so on the ramp up he was faster, on the ramp down I was faster, much faster, so had to brake rather fly around a nice twisty, swoopy section, and so gave Po-po the 'if you're going to go that slow, why did you overtake' handgesture
Po-po decided to overtake me on the ramp up a bridge over the motorway. He did so at a mellow 15mph, presumably so he could cruise the estate looking for permicious knids, so on the ramp up he was faster, on the ramp down I was faster, much faster, so had to brake rather fly around a nice twisty, swoopy section, and so gave Po-po the 'if you're going to go that slow, why did you overtake' handgesture