Had a sudden flash of memory about a Daniel Salmon frame that I passed on buying once. So practical, with hidden mudguard eyelets, internal cable routing and a nice racy cutout in the ST.
After a bit of looking I've found some photos of another:
Notice the eyelet at the top of the cut out for use with Salmons own famously slimline mudguards.
I did actually find one for sale on here, but its to small for me sadly.
Some of the little detail shots from the above bike:
Had a sudden flash of memory about a Daniel Salmon frame that I passed on buying once. So practical, with hidden mudguard eyelets, internal cable routing and a nice racy cutout in the ST.
After a bit of looking I've found some photos of another:
Notice the eyelet at the top of the cut out for use with Salmons own famously slimline mudguards.
I did actually find one for sale on here, but its to small for me sadly.
Some of the little detail shots from the above bike: