dancing partner wants to buy me a brompton for my birthday (or course ti and raw laquer)
Good choice.
what is a sensible gear ratio to go for on a brompton, am thinking of going for the 6 spd option?
Depends on the gradients it'll be ridden on. For round town the 6 speed is probably overkill. The only time I used the lowest two gears was climbing up from South End Green to Whitstone Pond. The rest of the time the middle two were fine, and the top two were a luxury.
is it worth getting the son hub and lights?
Don't have them on either of mine - USB rechargeables are good enough for me.
can a rack be fitted at a later stage, and will it take my ortlieb pannier bags?
Yes, but as others have said, it's a PITA
are there better/lighter mudguards than bromptons own?
There's a nice man in Hong Kong does carbon fibre ones. They're not better than Brompton ones in use, but they are carbon fibre. Very not cheap though.
is there a shop that can sell me one without the handlebars or seatpost? long term would replace bars and seatpost with titanium but if i can get one with out the steel ones i'd be happy to do it that way
Doubt it. Seatpost from Brompfication and flat handlebars from J&L in Taiwan would be my recommendation for titaniumification.
Depends on the gradients it'll be ridden on. For round town the 6 speed is probably overkill. The only time I used the lowest two gears was climbing up from South End Green to Whitstone Pond. The rest of the time the middle two were fine, and the top two were a luxury.
Don't have them on either of mine - USB rechargeables are good enough for me.
Yes, but as others have said, it's a PITA
There's a nice man in Hong Kong does carbon fibre ones. They're not better than Brompton ones in use, but they are carbon fibre. Very not cheap though.
Doubt it. Seatpost from Brompfication and flat handlebars from J&L in Taiwan would be my recommendation for titaniumification.