It's a full open but people flount the rules a bit, in the past we've had bikes with only one brake, aerobars too low (as per CTT regs), traffic counts over the limits, a guy in just bibs*, someone riding with earphones & aero helmet and then to top it all, the year I won two riders did a two up for 12 miles and got on the podium because the organiser didn't fill in one of the DQ notification forms and get it in the post in time. Still good fun though ;)
It's a full open but people flount the rules a bit, in the past we've had bikes with only one brake, aerobars too low (as per CTT regs), traffic counts over the limits, a guy in just bibs*, someone riding with earphones & aero helmet and then to top it all, the year I won two riders did a two up for 12 miles and got on the podium because the organiser didn't fill in one of the DQ notification forms and get it in the post in time. Still good fun though ;)
*yes that's right, just bibs nothing else