• #4077
Whats the name of that actor that sounds exactly like biker fox? It's gonna annoy me
• #4078
• #4079
Whats the name of that actor that sounds exactly like biker fox? It's gonna annoy me
Baika Focks
• #4080
in a daze yesterday morning (I hate early mornings) I forgot my dart doesn't have brake hoods. cue left had coming off the bar and a only-just-successful save from coming off and the inevitable crushing of my gonads on the top tube on the way down.
• #4081
This week's Oh S. moment brought to you buy Motorbikes in the bicycle boxes. Track stand by Euston in bicycle box. Motorcycle bumped my wheel cause he wants to be in the bicycle box too. Didn't have my left foot clipped in luckily so I was able to plant my foot down and avoid falling. Luckily no damage to rear wheel.
Its a cycling box not one for Motorbikes.
• #4082
Its a cycling box
So why were you trackstanding?
• #4083
Posts in one thread to tell people to suck it up if someone bends the rules a little...
Hahahaha The guy over the bars is hilarious. The rest is just the camera man forgetting its a bicycle. If he wants to police people then he needs to change jobs. His blood pressure would sky rocket in London. He'd lose his voice or get sworn at or worse in London.
Immediately moans in another about someone bending the rules a little...
This week's Oh S. moment brought to you buy Motorbikes in the bicycle boxes. Track stand by Euston in bicycle box. Motorcycle bumped my wheel cause he wants to be in the bicycle box too. Didn't have my left foot clipped in luckily so I was able to plant my foot down and avoid falling. Luckily no damage to rear wheel.
Its a cycling box not one for Motorbikes.
• #4084
More "Oh shit, shit, shit, I'm going to dieeeeeee!!!!!!!!" moments, please, and fewer "Oh, bother." posts, thank you very much.
• #4085
Baika Focks
I actually googled that haha +rep
• #4086
Got a little story to tell from a while ago.
Since I'm from continental Europe, everything is the "wrong" way round here, so I'll try to flip it all around for your convenience.I was going down a pretty wide road, with two separate "turn left" lanes. I was riding on the cycle path, nicely done asphalt, about 2m wide and separated from the street by a row of parking cars. On my left was the footpath, another 2m wide. All in all, a pretty pleasant place to ride.
I was riding on the cycle path at maybe 20mph, when a car pulled through a gap in the line of parked cars, heading for the entry of a retirement home on my left, not checking the bicycle lane and consequently not seeing me.
I ended up on the side of the car, rear view mirror comfortably embedded in my stomach, bike on the ground, as my braking seemed to have stopped it, but not me, in time.
The passenger, an elderly lady in her 80s, looked quite shocked and the driver, her daughter in her 60s or so was completely devastated.
I got away lucky, could stand up after catching my breath, nothing broken, bike completely unharmed (it didn't hit the car after all). We exchanged details and after a short break I continued my ride. Was properly scared though, easily could have been more serious with a little different timing.Still went to the doctor on the next day as I was feeling a little shaken. Turns out I had a contusion on my left shoulder, a mild whiplash thing in my neck, as my head didn't hit the car and, most annoying of all, a bent toenail, which was the only thing I noticed immediately after the crash.
Didn't bother with police, as no monetary damage was done and she was extremely apologetic.
This happened maybe a month ago, I healed up fine and the bike did not show any signs of damage.
• #4087
Glad you're OK. Crashes can often happen where you least expect them (and where you're lulled into a false sense of security). Check out mine from two weeks ago.
• #4088
Yeah I think I was lulled by the fact, that there was a row of parking cars between me and the street. Also I probably mistook her indicating (she did indicate at least, it was still blinking when I stood up from the floor) for an indication to turn left at the nearby crossroads.
I always do a check over the shoulder for cars at spots where they could want to turn now... -
• #4089
Had to take evasive action (moving out of the way) to avoid being doored while running this morning.
• #4090
Light drizzle while going west by King's College/Somerset House. I was clearly established in the right-hand lane, and had a BMW trying to overtake, so no room to my right. Que the driver of stationary number 521 to wait until I'm passing his bus before pulling out sharply to the right (wheels over but no indicator on) - and he had clearly seen me in the mirror. Rod brakes on the 1930 roadster ineffective to me slow down significantly in time (I doubt anything would have been), and the BMW continued to overtake. Managed to miss the front corner of the bus by about an inch, and was missed by the BMW by the about the same. Bus driver responded to cry of (in the circs., quite mild) "Hey, what are you doing" with a tirade of swearing with associated gestures.
On the plus side, I had a very helpful call to TFL, who took a careful note of my complaint. Only a 1 minute wait to speak to an operator, and every chance is the chap will be identified. Clearly enough for a careless driving charge, and I expect his reaction will be on the internal CCTV. Too optimistic for a TFL complaint to result in any sanction for him?
• #4091
far too optimistic. he will be sent on a course at best... :(
• #4092
They also have a policy of telling you they've "sanctioned" the driver, but not identifying the specific sanction.
• #4093
Check it out at 1.27. 3 near misses in a row. Lucky I kept the skin on my elbow.
• #4094
Seriously consider some cycle training. Ideally you should take the lane before a pinch point like that.
• #4095
True, but still terrible driving, no?
• #4096
That video made me feel nauseous. Were you using a camcorder from the early 90's?
• #4097
So, at 10am this morning, I had a call back from a manager at TFL, saying that my complaint was being investigated, and CCTV footage from the bus has been requested, and the subcontracted operating company obviously made aware. I'm impressed with the response from TFL so far.
• #4098
Good news. I've made 3 complaints to TFL. 2 were through their online forms and was informed that driver was 'sanctioned' but no other info [as Croft said above]. The last was through a telephone call and I received much better feedback like you have. Definitely call each time
• #4099
Bit of a thread derailment coming up, but I didn't know where to put it and I didn't want to start another thread.
I had to go to UCLH today, to get a lump in my throat checked out. I was sent away for various scans and happened to be able to see the screen on the machine when they ultra-sounded my neck. There was the usual indistinct ultrasound swirly stuff, and then suddenly an almost perfect sphere, about 3cm in diameter according to the scale, pressing against my pharynx.
Doctor suddenly got very businesslike, needle biopsy straight away, then pulled rank and got me to the front of the queue for a CT scan.
Care conference is on wednesday. The last doctor I saw said "I think you'll find you'll be back in here very quickly."Oh Shit.
• #4100
Fuck, hope it is something that can be dealt with simply and quickly.
Oh I thought YOU did the 360! I.e. flipped over your bars and landed on your feet! That would have been impressive. This, not so much.